That property could not be found.

Derelict Building.

Driving along Convenio (the long bottom road) from Iceland to the Urb, as you turn first right, there's some lovely houses on the left ( a certain Jeff lives in one) but on the right is an eyesore of derelict buildings. Now these have been derelict for at least 12 years that I know of, so they serve no purpose other than blotting the landscape.
Obviously no-one wants these buildings, so why can't the Council send in a bull-dozer and flatten the ugly carbuncle, a couple of hours work at the most.

Is your complaint about a derelect building ?, if so why the need to bring up that Jeff lives opposite,I can imagine the posts on here if the council did demolish said building,do you know if the council have the power to demolish the building ?.

Commented bluesboytoby in La Marina 2013-11-25 16:59:54 UTC

bluesboy, yes my complaint is about the derelict building, I mentioned that Jeff lives nearby, not for any particular reason, but hoping he might get to hear about this and get something done about it. I have no idea if the Council can take control over this, but wouldn't it be nice to get rid of an eyesore ?

Commented Al Marina in La Marina 2013-11-25 18:25:38 UTC

i just wondered why the need to bring him into it.

Commented bluesboytoby in La Marina 2013-11-25 18:34:39 UTC

back off,....... read the second line of my last post, "if he gets to hear about this, he might get something done about it".....no other reason !! i'm not political, I don't know him, I don't really care,.. i'm just trying to get rid of an eyesore !!

Commented Al Marina in La Marina 2013-11-25 18:53:23 UTC

Srockportdave/BigEd, If your not political and don't know Jeff, how come you know where he lives? Your not one of those stalkers are you? Plus, if he lives nearby I'm sure he may have noticed the building. So why bring his name into it?

Commented marko in Quesada 2013-11-25 19:11:30 UTC

no need to come the heavy ,or cant you be questined about statments you make .

Commented bluesboytoby in La Marina 2013-11-25 19:43:26 UTC

Hello Marko, nice to see you're keeping up with things in La Marina (why call me srockport dave ?)
I happen to know where Jeff lives because I use that road quite frequently and i've seen him going into his house, ok ?
and If anybody's a stalker on here, it's you.
Bluesboy, i'm not coming "heavy". It's just that people on here don't see the main topic for a post, but go off subject and pick up on something else ?

Commented Al Marina in La Marina 2013-11-26 08:39:00 UTC

Big Ed, try looking at your user profile and some of the answers you receive back quoting Stockportdave on them. Feel free to say that you are not the same

Commented marko in Quesada 2013-11-26 09:46:17 UTC

i think you were the first person to go off topic by including a certain resident of the road while complaining about a derlict building if you want a councilor do take up an issue ask him outright or go to his office & ask him face to face so knows who is asking him.i am not going to bother posting anymore on this subject its a waste of time .

Commented bluesboytoby in La Marina 2013-11-26 10:02:28 UTC

marco i have thought for some time people use more than one name i have no proof but i know who i suspect.

Commented bluesboytoby in La Marina 2013-11-26 10:07:38 UTC

Just by going on this site I always get the opinion Marco is Jeff. He so defensive when anyone mentions him.

Commented itsmemw in La Marina 2013-11-26 10:27:06 UTC

Sorry to disappoint itsmemw but I've never met Jeff or Mark Lewis for that matter and just have one userid. I may appear to stick up for Jeff but thats due to the constant moaning of what he has or hasn't done

Commented marko in Quesada 2013-11-26 11:21:30 UTC

Marko (alias Jeff HA HA)
The game is up, I was suspicious, about who you really were when I saw you in Quesada wearing a kilt and playing with your sporran.(joking)

Commented Alan in La Marina 2013-11-26 13:20:37 UTC

Alan, that was me..... did I not revert to my Polish Roots and offer to fit a bathroom and rewire your home for €50?

If Jeff lives across the road from the derelict buildings, I think he may have noticed beforehand. What would the anti Jeff brigade make of him getting the things demolished just to improve his view.

I, like you, are suspicious of the one hit wonders and the number of userid's changing. Even Itsmemw has an answer back naming Mikeyboy in the reply.

Commented marko in Quesada 2013-11-26 13:56:37 UTC

bluesboy, i'm very glad you're not posting anymore and Marko, I was correct, you ARE stalking me.

Commented Al Marina in La Marina 2013-11-26 16:02:01 UTC

Big Ed
You may of misread bluesboytoby comment, What he said was that he was not going to comment on this particular subject.
Really the comments have turned to Jeff again ,and again I find that I am on his side,In that if he lives with this derelict building he is in the wrong, if he even attempts to have it knocked down ,the opposition mob will say he did it for his benefit and not for the residents of La Marina Urb. so give the Guy a chance to do what he can for the benefit of the Urb.
I am not a fan of the Guy,but sometimes the anti Jeff mob annoy me.

Commented Alan in La Marina 2013-11-26 16:27:15 UTC

Alan, I did not mis-read bluesboy post, i'm quite happy he's not going to bother again about this, and now you've joined in, I wasn't having a go at Jeff, I just happened to mention.....oh never mind...i'm bored now.
All I wanted was a decent discussion whether or not the derelict buildings should go, to improve the appearance of the Urb, but certain people have other things on their mind, but just let me say, I DON'T GIVE A TOSS EITHER WAY ABOUT POLITICS !!

Commented Al Marina in La Marina 2013-11-26 17:10:24 UTC

This looks more and more like personal attack on a politician.
How can we get people to run for political office if these personal attacks keeps coming. Think about that. If you don´t like what he stands for wait till the next election. We live in a democratic country with free elections.

Commented reindeer keeper in La Marina 2013-11-26 17:30:10 UTC

What was the ?? again.

Commented 2nd Casa in La Marina 2013-11-26 17:57:48 UTC

reindeer, ARE YOU ON DRUGS ?

I never thought we had so many idiots in the village....but we have...they're all on here trying to wind me up.

Commented Al Marina in La Marina 2013-11-26 18:10:00 UTC

"What was the ?? again.
Commented 2nd Casa "

I think its - should Jeff use public money to buy and demolish some derelict buildings to improve his view and for BigEd/Stockportdave to have a nicer drive home.

As for village idiots, I know who my money is on.

Commented marko in Quesada 2013-11-26 19:40:58 UTC

Just to add to the speculation here I am again, but who am I? According to Spotty I am Mark Lewis, well, you know what they say, there is no such thing as bad publicity! LoL

Commented Roger in La Marina 2013-11-26 21:51:38 UTC

marco, The Rochdale Cowboy strikes again !
There can't be much going on in Quesada if you have to keep butting in on here to get your kicks.

Commented Al Marina in La Marina 2013-11-26 21:59:51 UTC

Thanks BigEd/Dave, as you no doubt know, it is quite hard being a Cowboy in Rochdale.... Quesada does seem quieter. We don't seem to have a problem with abandoned dogs (perhaps our council picks them up and dumps them in La Marina). I think our councillor is called Derek and only had dealings with him once but seemed really helpful. My understanding is that the website was originally based in Quesada and migrated to La Marina (I'm a slow learner and so stayed), plus I don't get to interact with 'characters' like yourself.

Commented marko in Quesada 2013-11-26 22:52:05 UTC

BigEd, don´t take everything so seriously.
Have you never heard of the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster? Maybe something for you? Although religion can be like a drug, I'm not on it. Not in any way. Are you?
But you are probably going to write that this has nothing to do with derelict building. And I will agree. Nothing! So you don´t have to use BIG LETTERS.

Commented reindeer keeper in La Marina 2013-11-27 00:02:52 UTC

Big Ed to quote read my post again iwas not going to post on that post I will continue to post on things that interest me I did not set out to wind you up but if it does good.This is my last comment on THIS post.

Commented bluesboytoby in La Marina 2013-11-27 07:39:27 UTC